#MenageMix: Stay Up Late with Us

Heading out on the town with some friends? Be sure you’re ready for a little after-hours revelry too.

Planning a little party for after the party is all about having the perfect #MenageMix on hand. Here are a few of our after-midnight must-haves:

A playlist of your favorite music, but be sure to lower the BPMs or check out our #MenageMix: After Hours Spotify playlist below.

A bottle of Ménage à Trois Midnight to bring everyone together.

A selection of dark chocolate, which pairs well with our Midnight dark red blend and will satisfy every sweet tooth.

A few candles so you can keep the lights down low. Tea lights are perfect, and can be set in any glass or jar you have around.

Share your own #MenageMix in the comments below!

To listen to our #MenageMix playlists, download the free Spotify software or app.